Wesley Hunt For Congress

For Release: Wesley Hunt Statement On Biden’s Cowardice Towards China

Houston, TX – Wesley Hunt, Houston native, former Diplomatic Liaison Officer to Saudi Arabia, and conservative candidate for Congress, issued the following statement on the Biden Administration’s attempt to slow and water down the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. 

“The ongoing genocide in China must be called out by Joe Biden and his radical allies in Congress. For years, President Xi Jinping of the Chinese Communist Party has rounded up millions of ethnic minorities and forced them into slave labor concentration camps with very little accountability. 

“From the day he was sworn in, Joe Biden has been incredibly weak towards China. He has allowed extreme Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, remained completely silent on their climate emissions while trying to destroy our Energy industry, and has done nothing to prevent China from creating a hypersonic missile. Now that reports have surfaced that the Biden Administration is trying to slow and water down Senator Rubio’s Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, it’s no wonder that nearly half of Americans have no confidence in President Biden to effectively deal with China. 

“President Biden must finally gather the courage to call out China for the enslavement of millions. The world is watching, as are the American people.”



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